Available spots
Service Description
This introductory course in Biostatistics provides foundational skills and knowledge in biostatistics and students will gain a deeper understanding of its relevance and application to public health, health policy, clinical medicine, and health economics. All parts of this training are free, including registration, learning, testing, and a certificate of completion. The course in Biostatistics is intended for students of public health, clinical medicine, biology, and other health sciences. There are two components to this course. The first component involves completing the modules and which provide: An introduction to probability and sampling distributions; An overview of confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, confounding, and interactions; Skills for the application of biostatistics in the practice and study of public health. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you will need to also complete the second, skills-based component of the course, which requires you to identify a mentor with professional health care training at least at the bachelor’s level, and with a certificate or other specific training in Public Health, who can provide you with feedback on the assignments you submit. The results of your assessments will be provided to you, and we can report your testing information and share your work with anyone you request (school, employer, etc.). The evaluation you provide at the course’s conclusion will help us improve the training for future students. We hope you find this Biostatistics course a wonderful learning experience! Approximate time for the required readings in this course is 49 hours at an average reading rate of 144 words/minute; in addition, there are required activities as described above. Before you begin the course, please take a moment to take the short knowledge Pre-course test below. It allows us to assess various aspects of the course itself and is mandatory to receive your certificate upon completion of the course. Then you may start Module 1: The Basics of Biostatistics.
Contact Details
158 Pitzer Road, Glen Austin AH, Midrand, South Africa